Be. Transform. Parent from your essence. - Efrat Shokef

Be. Transform.
Parent from your essence.

Be. Transform. Parent From Your Essence. Cover Image-homepage

Parenting, motherhood, and fatherhood (by birth or through other life choices) are an invitation for growth:

Children grow, their needs change, and we, their parents, have two options to choose from.

We can let them grow, OR we can grow with them…

parenting them consciously and making conscious choices. And as they become young adults, we can discern which paths should be walked together and which paths they need to walk on their own.

Our parenting takes the form of Spiritually Aware Parenting, when we walk by and with our children, not only conscious of our behaviors, words, or choices – We become Spiritually Aware Parents when our parenting, motherhood, the way we walk life in all facets are led by a knowing (sometimes only after first remembering) of who we are.

Spiritual beings walking a human life.

When we, parents, know/remember that we are more than our physical body or our confused, wounded emotions, we can recognize the luminosity of our child(ren).

When we accept that we are on a journey of growth, we can mirror the possibility of this Earthly journey to our Spiritually Aware Child(ren), who still know who they are (and unlike us adults, do not need to first remember).

When we walk our essence and connect to who we are at our core, we can see that same luminosity in everyone, beyond gender, race, ethnicity, or age. Respecting all others, including our children— dependent humans, yet also powerful, experienced souls—becomes a way of life.

And parenting… raising those wonders who make us parents, those we love most, is no longer a struggle but a joyful shared walk.

It’s possible! It’s needed! It is crucial in the times in which we live!

For some, it’s about a shift in their mindset, embracing who they are, and their child(ren)’s journey.

Others might need to go through the healing of a profound wounding—their own, their family’s, and also ancestral and collective ones—before they find that peaceful, knowing, beautiful essence that they are: the one their child(ren) chose for this lifetime.

I’ve walked the longer path, through a car crash, an NDE, and a profound healing of myself from now and beyond time.


The Promise We Made: Three Universal Soul Promises We Made to Our Children – Near Death Experience and the Parenting Teaching it Invites Book Image


In my book 🙂 – The Promise We Made: Three Universal Soul Promises We Made to Our Children – Near Death Experience and the Parenting Teaching it Invites… I share my story, and the many teachings it offered.


What my book is about…

How it can transform your life…

Where you can purchase it…

and read some of the heartwarming endorsements I received

on The Promise We Made Book Page, here on my website.


No one stumbles on my little place on the web by coincidence. If you are here, search for the one element your heart and soul need today.

From articles on how we can use Shamanic Techniques with Children, Spiritually Aware Parenting, Spiritually Aware Children to Mythical healing Stories and more.

Check the WORDS Tab, and it is all there.

Possibly, you are here for a RESOURCE or deeper personal healing focused on your parenting. See details HERE.

There is a reason why your child chose you, and why mine chose me.

BE and trust your knowing.

TRANSFORM: heal, grow, and embrace who you are.

And then…

BECOME the parent, the human, the being you are in your essence: Beautiful, luminous, and loving.

I know it is possible because I’ve been walking this path.

I know it is possible because of the numerous children, teens, and parents I have had the honor to walk alongside of.



Picture of Efrat Shokef

The Promise We Made: Three Universal Soul Promises We Made to Our Children – Near Death Experience and the Parenting Teaching it Invites book image including kindle and phone By Efrat Shokef



P.S. English is not my first language, and I write in English as part of a greater call I am yet to understand. I try to be precise; please forgive me for any unintentional mistakes.

Be. Transform. Parent from your essence.Be. Transform. Parent from your essence.Be. Transform. Parent from your essence.Be. Transform. Parent from your essence.Be. Transform. Parent from your essence.Be. Transform. Parent from your essence.Be. Transform. Parent from your essence.Be. Transform. Parent from your essence.Be. Transform. Parent from your essence.Be. Transform. Parent from your essence.Be. Transform. Parent from your essence.Be. Transform. Parent from your essence.
Nurturing your child’s energy field: A Parent’s guide.

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