Words - Page 3 of 3 - Efrat Shokef


Writing is like breathing. A dance of letters, filled with light, emerging into words, sentences, paragraphs, a post, an article, a book. A story never told is like a captive. We need stories to evolve. I write because I can’t not write, just as I can’t not breathe. I also write to share. To share with you what I often wished someone would share with me. I invite you to make yourself a warm, nourishing cup of tea and enjoy reading.
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Life is a journey. Sometimes challenging, always rewarding (if we choose it to be so). Welcome to my little space on the web. I am Efrat, a mother of three spiritually aware teens, a shamanic energy healing practitioner, and a writer. I believe in children – our future, and in our ability to offer them the conditions they need to walk their true, beautiful, and enlightened soul-self. New to my space? Start here :).

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